Was walking at one Electronics/Computer/Gadgets shop just now and came accross the digital SLR section... really different from one in KL. Whats the different? well, in KL you can see all these cameras are being display in the glass shelf, locked and unreachable. if you want to test it, you have to ask the salesperson to hand you the said DSLR... and after you tested it, feel it in your hand, take a few shots, pretend that you know something about the camera settings and all... you said thank you, you will consider about it... the salesperson face will change from :) to :(...
but here in Japan, it is being displayed on a tripod... on the table with some colourful stuff where you can test the camera in macro mode, normal mode or tele-zoom. from nikon, canon, lumix, sony, olympus... nobody care what you do with the camera because it is secured with a anti-theft cable, which is long enough for you to hold it, raise it to look through the viewfinder comfortably.
so, saw the Canon EOS 40D with a tele-photo lens... 80-200 2.8... its it feels like you are holding a bazooka when you hold it. grabbed it and test the camera. i was like... damn... how come my D70s shutter is not as quick as this one... took a few photos and the feels is really good... hmm... i think its exaggerated when i describeb it as bazooka, it should be like M16... cos i tested the continous mode... really impressive... also tried to be paparazi la... shoot few Japanese lenglui from far... ;)
tempted to sell my D70s and buy the EOS40D... but... hai... kalau saya ada machine print duit boleh la beli, no need to sell my camera also... some more just finish my payment for the camera after shooting for malay weddings last time, now no time to shoot photo, where got extra money... better save the money to buy another lens that can make me feel i am holding a bazooka though it cant be like m16 cos the shutter speed for D70s is not as fast as EOS40D... so you cant hear the fast "ktak ktak ktak" sound... hmm... my birthday wish is the Nikkor 80-200 2.8.... so, if you guys still thinking of what to get me for my birthday, save the time (and the money) ... hehehehe... i dont mind if you guys or anyone out there wanna hadiahkan ini lensa... betul dont mind... secondhand punya pun ok...
hmm... just feel like posting this notes la... cos other wise i will keep on thinking about the Canon... those of you who have no idea what i am mumbling about, nvm la, go to the nearest Camera shop in KL and test both the camera... though you might risk the :( face from the salesperson...
now going to sleep and dream about the bazooka and the m16...
* Photos are from (All right reserved by DPreview.com )http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/compare_post.asp?method=sidebyside&cameras=canon_eos40d%2Cnikon_d70s&show=all
Don't sue me, saya takde duit - Quote from Negarakuku creator. Copy right also reserved for him. So, he won't sue me.
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