Talking about Malaysian, colourful. We have malays, chinese, indian and others. We all live in peace and harmony. Like me, for example, i dont really care if you are malay, chinese or indian or lain lain. If you are my friends, then you are another Malaysian to me.
Our government have been trying hard to inject the idea that we are all Malaysian. But recently, i mean this morning, was reading about the news of UiTM. It was reported that a group of students was protesting the proposal for the university to open its doors to other races. And in that report, it is clearly stated that by implementing such proposal, it will rob the Malays rite.
Er... come on, isnt the government have given enough rites for the Malays? I know this might be sensitive issue, but i think this is the fact that we all Malaysians are living with since the May 13 Tragedy. Cant we just live in equality? I mean, we all Malaysian, rite?
Some comments i heard last time when discussing with some friends, one of the rude a$$hole said that we chinese are immigrant. Oh come on, arent some of our sultans are from Indon? So, whats the different? To me, we are all born in Malaysia, so we are Malaysian, when i am abroad, i dont introduce myself as a Chinese Malaysian, my colleague, who is a Malay, also didnt say he is a Malay Malaysian. We are Malaysian!
What is sad these days is that even in our politics, the politician cant even play a role model. For example, UMNO, We fight for the right of the Malays. Alamak, UMNO and MCA and MIC is in BN, so, if UMNO is to fight for Malays rite, MCA is to fight for the Chinese rite, and MIC fight for the Indians rite, we dont need BN after all rite?
Sigh! I dont know much about politics but i just write about what i hear and what i read. It is sad... when will we, Malaysian can really do something for the nation and not for any races, for all Malaysian!???
So, to all Malays, Chinese, Indian and Lain Lain... stop protecting the races rite, we all should have the same rite as a Malaysian! Maybe its a dream which i am not able to realise it, but it is just something to look forward to cos it could make our country, Malaysia, a better place to live, for our Malaysian!
Okok, it was boring... ahaha, but i hope those of you who is reading this, just think about it, we are Malaysian! Stop saying things like Cina B@b!, Puk1max Malays or Drunka$$ Indian! And i am not writing this to invite any ISA detention. Just some daily thought... like our PM says, Freedom in Speech. Cheers Malaysian!
oh, so this's what about that u wrote...
ok, nothing super sensistive here to trigger ISA.
hmm.. yeah, heard of that too. but couldn't be bother anymore nowadays.... the sky is so polluted between you know who and you know who again. then everyday heard/read some bodies 'kon-lo' in everything or anything possible. talking bout malaysian unity? hmm... donno why lately so many issues on the color, and it's kinda meaningless to have this year merdeka theme on 'unity'. err... 'Malaysia Boleh' ke?
malaysia sure boleh...
but because of our goverment is so tak boleh, morning tell on story, after lunch perut sudah kenyang say another story and after tea break tell the final story... example, pak lah said parliment wont be disolve in the morning, the at nite says it will be disolve tonite. eh... suspend movie meh?
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